Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog Post #3

It's Not About the Technology
In Kelly Hines' "It's not About Technology," she shares her thoughts on teaching and technology. She talks about how useful technology can be, but also stresses that this same technology is only a tool. The teachers themselves still must be good at teaching and not depend on technology to teach for them. Kelly has several ideas that I tend to a to agree with.
I like how she talks about about teachers being learners. Technology is constantly changing, now more than ever. Teachers must keep up and stay informed with worldly advancements in order to keep up. I also agree that teaching and learning are not the same thing. It is a teachers job to make sure that the information is not only being taught, but also being learned. Teaching is nothing if there is no learning to go along with it.

Is it Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Karl Fisch makes a bold statement in his post, " Is it Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher." He stresses that teachers cannot be successful at this day and age if they do not keep up with the ever changing technology. While I mostly agree with his viewpoints I think he gets a little too opinionated. I believe teachers, even now, can be successful without the use of technology.
Technology I agree is one of the greatest things to happen to the teaching and learning world. It can make difficult projects easy and some things that could never be done can now be accomplished in short periods of time. However, I do believe that an extreme knowledge of technology is not necessary for every teaching position. As long as the material is taught and successfully comprehended it should not matter whether or not technology played a part.

Gary Hayes' Social Media Count
After looking at Gary Hayes' Social Media Count it is astounding to see how many people use technology(especially the internet)for so many different things. Learning new things can be very frustrating. But if teachers stay informed with such advancements I think it can only work out for the best. The better informed our teachers are, the better informed our students will be.
One tool that has made things easier is the use of social networks. Things like facebook and twitter have vastly increase the ability to spread and obtain knowledge among people. People are able to obtain answers to certain questions from people that they don't know and will probably never know. We need to quickly begin to make use of these tools to better ourselves and increase our own knowledge.

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Our Students Today
I appreciated this video allot. I feel like I personally relate to it in many ways. Of course there will always be good and bad teachers and classes anywhere you go no matter what. But I believe that the general way of teaching and learning should be reformed.
I'm tired of paying for books I never use and sitting and classes listening to teachers ramble about nothing. Technology I'm sure can't solve everything but I'm sure would help. If schools started to incorporate more technology into the classrooms I think it would increase overall learning. It may be difficult and expensive to do but, if possible, should be given a try.


  1. Jonathan,

    Other than a few minor errors, you write very well. You also show some critical thinking. However, you need to be putting at least one picture in each of your blog posts and use the correct image and title modifiers. Your gadgets on the right side of your blog also need to be in a different order and need to contain a "Contact Me" tab. You also have not added your profile picture and you have yet to do many of your posts (that were already due). If you are at all lost or confused by what needs to be done, refer to your checklist and the instruction manual. If you are STILL lost, come to the lab during the regular lab hours! Any of the lab assistants will be more than happy to help you out!

  2. Hey there again Jonathan, I agree with what you had to say about the Kelly Hines post. I said the same thing. I think it is so important for teachers to stay on top of things. They should always be learning new things to teach their students. They have such an important job. Obviously, we are both going out into the education field so we have to take these things into consideration for ourselves. For some day we can be effective teachers. Thanks for posting.

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog. I agree you teachers need to continually learn about technology because it changes almost everyday.
